
Wish List!!!


Shirt from Bob Reynolds

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Ohio Maple Syrup, Local Raw Honey
Cleveland Orchestra tickets or gift cards

Soprano saxophone and or mouthpiece


–spitballs/sheet storm tp blaster [from Vat10.com]

–Lego sets

–Art supplies

chameleon lamp

giant stress ball

make your own putty set

crunchy snow stress ball

mini arcade games [pac-man and space invaders]

eat your own bubble kit [its safe]

testris micio arcade

treasure x [its like a treasure hunt]

sciball mini

powered chewing gum

gummy bear 3-D anatomy


bed prism glasses [makes u see stuff in front of you when you lay down]

dr.pepper hat


slushy maker


L 3D cube

–burrito blanket

-harry potter mug

worlds smallest uno

rainbow loom rubber bands [ also at michaels ]


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